Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Applied Modernism

           Modernism is a style or movement in the arts that aims to break with classical and traditional forms. The book Farenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury is a modernist novel because of the conflict with inner-self, the bleak vision of the future and the stream of consciousness.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

My Modern Moment

My writing in this modern moment is different then it would have been five years ago, because times have changed over the years. People have become more self-reliant and the way we express ourselves change how people in general write. I write things based off of what I have learned throughout the world in this generation. The way people talk, the different expressions people use and what they mean may be different now then what it was five years ago.

Monday, February 25, 2013

My Modernist

The author I would choose to study would be George Bernard Shaw. Shaw was born in Dublin, Ireland and I have always wanted to go to Ireland. He had a troubled childhood which usually brings out the best writing from people. Lastly, he was a freethinker and a supporter of women rights and as a girl myself, I appreciate his support. This decision was easy and I am confident I made the right choice.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Literature Analysis #2

New Moon: The second book of the Twilight saga.
1) For Bella Swan, there is one thing more important than life itself: Edward Cullen. But being in love with a vampire is even more dangerous than Bella ever could have imagined. Edward has already rescued Bella from the clutches of one evil vampire, but now, as their daring relationship threatens all that is near and dear to them, they realize their troubles may be just beginning.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

The First Seven Years

The end of this story completely shocked me. The whole reason the worker stayed in his house for weeks, was because he loved his boss's daughter. Although the shoemaker was trying to get his daughter involved with the school boy, a different man had his eyes on her. I wonder what his daughter thinks about all of this.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


  1. Eli Esparza:
  2. Sarah Stevens:
  3. Mia Hernandez:
  4. Whitney Houg:
  5. Ethan Clardy:

Vocabulary Spring List #5

1. Brouhaha: An uproar.
There was a brouhaha happening in the town square.

2. Cloy: To weary by an excess of food, sweatness, pleasure, etc...
Eating to much food can cause a cloy.

3. Demeanor: A person's mannors towards others.
Her demeanor was so harsh and cold to even watch.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

I Am Here

So far my progress in this class has been good. I am getting all of my assignments done and I have been listening in class and I know what I am talking about. My smart goal was to make a goal and I am somewhat getting closer to achieving it. I know I want to go to college, so my goal is to get scholarships and good grades. I will keep up the good work and never give up on this class. I am here!

In Mildred's Parlor

The stage is set in Montag's house with Mildred, Mrs. Phelps and Mrs. Bowles. The room was blazing hot, he was all coldness, they sat in the middle of an empty desert with three chairs and him standing, swaying, and him waiting for Mrs. Phelps to stop straightening her dress hem and Mrs. Bowles to take her fingers away from her hair. Then he began to read in a low, stumbling voice that grew firmer as he progressed from line to line, and his voice went out across the desert, into the whiteness, and around the three sitting women there in the great hot emptiness.

"The tree that gauges everything.
A tree stands, lone and tall,
Only frequently accompanied by the wind,
The leaves are no good for eating,
And the branches much too weak for nesting.

Each gust of unwelcome wind,
Strips branches,
Tears leaves,
They fall to the ground only to die,
Only to be left alone.

And although new leaves,
New branches are grown,
Those that were lost,
Can never be replaced."

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Essay Postgame Analysis

The essay I wrote in class was rushed on my part. I got it done with some nice points and I am proud of it. Next time I hope to organize my thoughts better and stay more on topic. I know the next essay I write will be better. For this essay I would give myself a B.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013


Montag picked "Dover Beach," because it represents human misery verses the sea. If I had to pick a peom to use insted of this one, I would pick.... This poem by Jordan Whitt

The Tree of Hopes and Dreams

MY F451

         Guy Montag is a fireman who is always burning books. In Montag’s world, firemen start fires rather than putting them out. The people in this society watch excessive amounts of television on wall-size sets, and listen to the radio on “Seashell Radio” sets attached to their ears. Montag meets a  seventeen year old girl named Clarisse McClellan, who opens his eyes to a new was of looking at life with her unusual love of

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

To Modern or Post Modern

         This quote is saying that fiction does not help in depressing times. When David Foster Wallace says, "You burn with hunger for food that does not exist", he is explaining that fiction give people a false idea of hope or happiness. Fiction may act as an escape to somewhere better, but it isn't always.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Spring Vocabulary #2

1. Patronage: The power to control appointments.
The artist was grateful for the patronage.

2. Cadence: A rythmic flow of a sequence of sound or words.
After the audience heard the pleasing cadence, they all got up and had a standing ovation.