Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Vocabulary #3

1. Encomium: A formal Expression of high praise.
You could hear the encomium sound in his voice when he talked of his son.

2. Coherent: Logically connected; Consistent.
When Brad got hit in the head with a soccor ball, he was no longer coherent.

3. Belabor: To explain, worry about or work at (something) repeatedly or more than is necessary.
Why do you always belabor that point over and over?

4. Eschew: To abstain or stay away from; shun; avoid.
We all agreed to eschew from bad words and eating chocolate.

5. Acquisitive: Tending or seeking to aquire and own; often greedily.
She was acquisitive in her endevours of finding a house.

6. Emulate: To try to equal or excel.
Any large computer these days can emulate a computer of some other design.

7. Arrogate: To claim unwarrantably or presumptuously.
Tom wanted to arrogate his sisters markers.

8. Banal: Devoid of freshness or originality. 
My mom uses a banal tone in her voice when she talks to me.

9. Excoriation: To strip the skin from a human or animal.
While hunting my father is a fan of the excoriation of rabbits.
10. Congeal: To change from a soft or fluid state to a ridged and solid state.
The blood has congealed into blobs.
11. Carping: Characterized by fussy or petulant faultfinding.
She has silenced the carping critics with a successful debut.
12. Substantiate: To establish by proof or competent evidence.
They have found nothing to substantiate the allegations.

13. Temporize: To be indecisive or evasive to gain time or delay acting.
The opportunity was missed because the mayor still temporized.

14. Largesse: Generous bestowal of gifts.
Dispending his money with such largesse.

15. Tenable: Capable of being held, maintained or defended.
Such a simplistic approach in no longer tenable.

16. Insatiable: Incapible of beng satisfied or appeased.
An insatiable hunger for success.

17. Reconnaissance: A search used for useful military information in the field.
An excellent aircaft for low-level reconnaissance.

18. Germane: Closely or significantly related.
That is not germane to our theme.
19. Ramify: To divide or spread out into branches or branchlike parts.
An eleborate system of canals was built, ramifying throughout Britain.
20. Intransigent: Refusing to agree or compromise.
It was like I was talking to an intransigent person.
21. Taciturn: Inclined to silence; reserved in speech; reluctant to join in conversation.
His speech was very taciturned when he read it.
22. Invidious: Calculated to create ill will or resentment or give offense; hatefull.
She'd put herself in an invidious position.

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