1. Approbation: The expression of favorable opinion.
a) When my parents saw how well I was doing in school, they showed approbation in their smiles.
2. Innuendo: A hint; indirect suggestion or reference.
a) My little sister wasn't allowed to watch the movie with us due to excessive use of sexual innuendos.
3. Coalition: A combination, union, or merger for some specific purpose.
a) My church formed a coalition to stop abortions.
4. Elicit: To draw forth, bring out from some source.
a) I tried to elicit information to my grandma, but my phone died.
5. Hiatus: A gap, opening or break.
a) There was a huge hiatus between the trees and the canyon.
6. Assuage: To make easier or milder, relieve, satisfy.
a) Not even nice words could be used to assuage her feelings of her dogs death.
7. Decadence: Decline, decay, or deterioration.
a) There was a sense of decadence in her voice as she found a box of chocolate.
8. Expostulate: To attempt to dissuade someone from some course or decision by earnest reasoning.
a) Trying to expostulate with my parents is a lost casue.
9. Jaded: Wearied, worn out, dulled.
a) My sisters shoes were quickly jaded after she wore them for a month straight.
10. Simulate: To make a pretense of, imitate, to show the outer signs of emotions they might never have felt in life.
a) My mom tries to simulate emotions from my sister to see what is really going on in her life.
11. Umbrage: Shade cast by trees; offense resentment.
a) She was afraid they would take umbrage from her critisicm.
12. Prerogative: A special right or privilege.
a) He had the prerogative to his parking spot for being employee of the month.
13. Lurid: Causing shock, horror or revulsion.
a) There was a lurid sound in her voice as she explained her story.
14. Transcend: To rise above or beyond, exceed.
a) The more he practiced, the more he began to transcend among his peers.
15. Provincial:Pertaining to an outlying area; local.
a) Some styles were provincial to the area, until other states caught on and wore the same things.
16. Petulant: Peevish, annoyed by trifles, easily irritated.
a) My teacher is a very petulant teacher when kids don't listen to him.
17. Unctuous: Excessively smooth or smug; trying too hard to give an impression.
a) The girl was so unctuous on how she walked into the room comlipmenting everyone.
18. Meritorious:Worthy, deserving recognition and praise.
a) Days of meritorious accusations kept him happy for the rest of his life.
19. Hackneyed: Used so often as to lack originality.
a) When you say someones name too many time in one day, it starts to sound hackneyed.
20. Intercede: To plead on behalf of someone else; to serve as a third party.
a) I had to intercede that my friend Taylor was not crazy.
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